Pelham Puppet redressed as Jane Austen's Emma Woodhouse - Now Sold!

*A new Alexander Sanderson Design*
A vintage Pelham Puppet redressed as
Jane Austen's heroine,
Emma Woodhouse

Pelham Puppet redressed, Jane Austin, Emma Woodhouse, marionette

Pelham Puppet redressed, Jane Austin, Emma Woodhouse, marionette

Pelham Puppet redressed, Jane Austin, Emma Woodhouse, marionette

This puppet was created for private sale on eBay and portrays the Jane Austen character Emma Woodhouse from her novel Emma.

The base puppet was a Pelham puppet Cinderella. She wears a Regency/Empire line gown in cotton and pelisse style coat in red taffeta trimmed with metallic gold embellishment. Over her styled hair she wears a large buckram bonnet in red velvet.  

This puppet design fits nicely within a regular Pelham puppet box. 

Emma Woodhouse is one of Jane Austen's most famous heroines probably only falling behind Elizabeth Bennet from Pride and Prejudice. She is young, wealthy and rather spoilt and is presented as quite a meddling character who enjoys match-making and interfering in the romantic lives of those around her. However, her casually manipulative ways finally come back to bite her later in the novel.  

This design was cut as a new pattern and I am rather pleased with the results. I think I will follow it up with a Becky Sharp design inspired by Thackeray's Vanity Fair - coming soon!

Created by Alexander Sanderson Designs

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