Wednesday, 20 November 2024

 Two Pelham Puppets Redressed as
Queen Jane Seymour
Queen Katherine Howard 

The Third and Fifth Wives of King Henry VIII 

A lovely review for these puppets from their purchaser:

"These 2 puppets complete my set of 6 wives & I am delighted. They are the most beautiful creations as are all the others I have purchased over the last year. The thought & care that has been lavished on these creations is truly breath-taking. Pieces of art , both."

Jane Seymour

Jane Seymour

Katherine Howard

Katherine Howard

These two puppets were created under commission for a wonderful and valued patron.
Both use Pelham fairy puppets as a base - their faces, hands and face having been fully repainted and their hair styled newly for both creations. 
Jane Seymour's gown is cut from velvet whilst Katherine Howards was cut from shot taffeta. Both of their under-skirts were made from metallic, pattered brocade. 
Their costumes are embellished with rhinestone, jet bead, gold/red braid and imitation pearls.

Both have boned and stiffened (with buckram) bodices.
Katherine has a hooped farthingale to hold out her skirts. 

Alexander Sanderson Designs

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